According to the latest report from the industry research firm in Cleveland, the global demand for plastic bags will increase at an annual rate of 6.2%. By 2018, the total market demand will reach USD 37.3 billion.

Acidic milk beverage packaging market grows rapidly

In the field of plastic packaging, the food industry is a key industry, and the demand for liquid foods in plastic packaging accounts for a very large proportion. In the dairy industry, acid milk beverages have maintained a rapid growth of more than 30% in China's dairy market for three consecutive years and have become the category with the greatest potential for development in the dairy industry.

Plastic bottle packaging is the fastest growing type of container used in acidic milk beverages, and its growth rate even exceeds the growth rate of the product.

Below 220ml of small packaged HDPE plastic bottle acidic milk drinks, its core consumer group is children. After more than ten years of development, the market base for small-packed HDPE plastic bottles of acidic milk beverages is solid and stable, and it is developing rapidly. HDPE plastic bottles have become the absolute dominant form of children's acidic milk beverages with a market share of 94%.

The large-packaged acidic milk beverages larger than 350 ml are new products that have appeared on the market in the past two years. Their market share has rapidly increased and the target customers are young women aged 18-25 years. After several years of development, the scope of consumer groups of large-scale acidic milk beverages has been continuously expanding, and PET plastic bottles have also become the dominant packaging form for large-package milk beverages.

Lightweight into the hot spot of daily chemical packaging

Many plastic container suppliers said that a large number of daily chemical companies have shown great concern for lightweighting, especially for mass personal care products such as skin care products in plastic bottles or plastic cans.

Lightweight plastic packaging can ease people’s concerns about environmental protection and sustainable development. More and more people choose products that are better packaged, produce faster, have stronger packaging, and reduce weight. More and more companies are Lightweight sends more and more interest.

Asia Pacific market has the greatest potential

In China and other developing countries where the market is rapidly expanding, the expansion of the production scale of packaging bags and the continuous increase in market demand are complementary. The report shows that by 2018, the market in the Asia-Pacific region is expected to have the highest revenue. Among them, food packaging (especially beverage packaging) and pharmaceutical packaging will be the two main growth poles.

The continuous increase in the degree of portability and design of packaging has also promoted market demand: Taking the developed countries of Japan and South Korea as examples, the packaging consumer base has remained stable; in high-industrial regions, for example, in Central America and South America, packaging demand has continued to grow steadily; The most mature packaging market in North America and Western Europe, for example, the rising demand trend exceeds the expected rate; the most potential packaging markets that have to be mentioned include China, Thailand and India, and the strong demand has driven the productivity of the entire packaging market.

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Pet Plate Serices

Can be used for Food or Water.
Perfect for feeding your dogs, cats, and other pets.Dustproof, dampproof, excellent weather resistance, , convenient for cleaning, Round design, smooth shape, no sharp spines, pets will be comfortable to eat.
The bowls are light, comfortable to carry out. If you go out looking for and feeding stray animals, feeding can be arranged quickly.

Pet Plate Serices,Pet Food Bowl,Water Bowl,Plastic Pet Plate