Corrugated paper is the main material for the manufacture of various cartons and packaging. Its quality and strength will directly affect the effect of carton packaging. The requirements for the quality and strength of corrugated paper are affected by the limitations and limitations of the production process and operations. On the other hand, the requirements for the products to be packaged and the intended use are required.

Sampling is the first step in the accurate measurement of corrugated cardboard. Sampling should be able to maximize the characteristics of the batch of cardboard, but the sampling should be as small as possible.

The humidity and temperature of the air have a great influence on the physical properties of paper and paperboard. It is necessary to conduct proper humidity conditioning before measurement. (North may need humidification, while southern countries may need to perform dry processing and different seasons. The way is not the same).

The following describes the strength indicators and test methods of corrugated paper

1. It is difficult to measure the crushing strength of corrugated cardboard and carton board perpendicular to the thickness of the paper. It is usually difficult to make the paper or paperboard in an annular shape and then apply pressure. The stability of the paper is good. Much more. Therefore, the raw paper or cardboard is enclosed in a ring, and then its compressive strength is measured. This is the ring pressure strength of the base paper or paperboard.

2. The flat compressive strength of the corrugated core The main function of the corrugated core is to maintain a certain thickness of the cardboard when the corrugated cardboard is deformed under pressure, so that the cardboard obtains a greater moment of inertia. Corrugated paper cores should be able to withstand stress and strain, and form uniform contour corrugations at high speeds, and they can be firmly attached to face paper.

This effect of the corrugated core can be measured by the flat compressive strength of the corrugated corrugated core. The flat crushing strength of the corrugated core is determined by first pressing the corrugated paper at a certain temperature and a certain pressure with a corrugation tester to form a corrugated shape. The flat pressure test was then performed on a small tester to determine its load carrying capacity and expressed in KN (kgf).

3. Flatness strength of corrugated board An inherent property of corrugated board is that it has a large moment of inertia. When the corrugated board is subjected to a relatively high pressure inertia, maintaining its original thickness is a prerequisite for maintaining its characteristics.
Corrugated cardboard does not have the ability to be flattened when subjected to flat pressure and is an important strength indicator for the detection of corrugated cardboard. This index is particularly important for the elasticity of corrugated board in use, and for maintaining the original thickness of the board in various manufacturing processes of the carton.

The flat compressive strength of the corrugated board is expressed in terms of the force acting perpendicularly on the unit area of ​​the board, and the unit is kPa. Determination of the flat compressive strength of corrugated board can be done with a small pressure tester using a circular sample with a sample diameter of 5.13 cm.
4. Corrugated cardboard side pressure strength Corrugated cardboard boxes are different from paper bags in that they are used as rigid containers and must maintain a certain shape when used. A major form of damage to corrugated boxes is flattening and loss of rigidity. The indicator of the rigidity of the carton is the compressive strength of the carton, which is directly related to the edge pressure of the corrugated cardboard.

The side pressure strength of corrugated board is the ability of the board to bear the compressive load in the direction of the corrugation, expressed as the force per unit length. The unit is N/m. This index can be used to compare the production under similar conditions, but not the same batch. The quality of the product can also be used to compare the side pressure strength of corrugated board produced from different materials.

A dedicated small-scale pressure tester can be used to measure edge pressure strength.

5. Bursting degree Bursting degree has always been regarded as an important quality indicator of corrugated board and its components (core paper, face paper and backing paper). Simply put, the unit's accumulated paperboard can withstand much force without breaking. .

6. Puncture strength (carton)
Puncture strength can be used to measure the resistance of corrugated cardboard when it is damaged by sharp objects. It is a comprehensive indicator. Recent studies have shown that the tear strength in both longitudinal and transverse directions of the paper is related to the corrugating medium, and the flat compressive strength of the corrugated medium has an important influence on the strength of the corrugated paperboard.

The puncture strength was measured with a puncture tester. The tester uses a pendulum-mounted pendulum to determine the ability of the paperboard to resist puncture by varying its positional energy before and after penetrating the paperboard, converting the amount of potential energy into kinetic energy to pierce and tear the paperboard. To indicate the puncture strength of paper or cardboard.

7. Adhesion strength Adhesion strength refers to the strength of the bonding of corrugated cardboard with top or bottom paper. Apply a vertical pulling force perpendicular to the surface of the paper or corrugated medium until the two are separated. The maximum load that the interface of the binder or binder fiber can withstand before separation is the bond strength of the sample, also known as the peel strength, in units of N.
Adhesive strength can be measured with a small pressure tester. The tensile force applied to the paper and the corrugating medium is created by inserting the upper and lower sets of inserts of the corrugated medium, so the test is also referred to as the bond strength test of the pins.

The above seven indicators can basically reflect the pros and cons of the paperboard being made. It is directly linked to the cost, and it is impossible to achieve the best and the cheapest.
I am an expert in carton mechanical integration. I hope my WeChat account will bring you some real dry goods.

Information Processing: China Packaging Industry Network


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