Have you found out that people are still perfect lip makeup! And you, is it like this?

How do you not fade the lip balm?

It’s like this when you drink water.

How do you not fade the lip balm?

In fact, if you want a lipstick that doesn't touch the cup and does not affect the kiss, you can get it in 4 steps.

Step1 Apply a layer of lipstick and rub it with a paper towel.

How do you not fade the lip balm 1

Step2 Apply a layer of lipstick.

How do you not fade the lip balm 2

Step3 Use a paper towel to dry.

How do you not fade the lip balm 3

Step4 A single layer of paper towel covers the lips and sweeps the loose powder.

How do you not fade the lip balm 4

In this way, you are not afraid of the grievances of the cup or the sputum.

How do you not fade the lip balm 5

Source: 360 cosmetics website, welcome to share this article, please keep the source!

Parking Barrier

Parking locks, also called parking space locks, parking barriers, is installed in the front or middle of parking space to protect space from being occupied.


1.Easy installation: four prepared holes at the bottom of the cabinet makes it easy to install.parking lot

2.Manual operation: to operate the parking locks rising and going down manually with manual at emergency situation.

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