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MedCalc Medical Statistics Software

Data management

Collect spreadsheets, import up to 16384 columns, 100000 rows;

Handling missing data correctly;

Easily exclude outliers;

Built-in WYSIWYG text editor;

Can import Excel, Excel 2007, SPSS, Dbase and Lotus files, as well as SYLK, DIF files or l plain text format files;

Easily select subgroups for statistical analysis.

Introduction to MedCalc Medical Statistics Software

MedCalc Reference

Comprehensive help documentation

PDF manual

The MedCalc website has a complete manual in HTML format.

Dialog-style context helper

Statistical function

Summary statistics

Outlier detection



Cumulative frequency distribution

Conventional map

Dot matrix

Box and whisker


Correlation coefficient

Partially related

Level related

Scatter plot



Scatter plot and regression line

Multiple Regression

Logistic regression

Probability regression (dose response analysis)

Nonlinear regression

T test

One-sample t test

Independent sample t test

Paired sample t test

Rank sum test

Symbol rank sum test (one sample)

Mann-Whitney test (independent sample)

Wilcoxon rank sum test (pairing)

Variance ratio test (F test)


One-way analysis of variance

Two-way analysis of variance

Covariance analysis

Repeated measurement analysis of variance

Kruskal Wallis test

Friedman test

Cross (categorical data)

Frequency meter and chi-square test

Fisher exact test

McNemar test

Cochran Q test

Relative risk to odds ratio

Frequency histogram

subsistence analysis

Kaplan Meier survival curve

Cox proportional hazard regression

Series measurement

Reference interval

Reference interval

Age-related reference interval

Method comparison and evaluation

Bland Altman map

Multi-disciplinary multi-measurement Bland Altman diagram

Comparison of various methods

Mountain map

Daming regression

Passing and Bablok regression

Repeated measurement of coefficient of variation

Agreement and reaction

Group correlation coefficient

Consistency correlation coefficient

Inter-Tester Agreement (Kappa)

Cronbach Alpha


ROV curve analysis

ROV curve analysis

Interactive point map

Figure VS standard value

Figure VS prevalence

Predictive value

Likelihood ratio

ROV curve comparison

Create a form

Statistical summary form

Related tables and related diagrams

Independent sample comparison

Paired sample comparison

Multi-frequency table

Introduction to Meta Analysis

Continuous measurement



Relative risk

Risk difference

Ratio ratio

Area under the ROC curve

General inverse variance method

Summary data verification

Average test

Partial test

Chi-square test

2x2 form Fisher exact test

Pairing ratio McNemar test

Comparative method (t test)

Standard deviation comparison (F test)

Correlation coefficient comparison

Comparison of two ratios

Comparison of area under independent ROC curve

Rate confidence interval

Comparison of two ratios

Relative risk

Ratio ratio

Agreement between testers

Diagnostic test

Likelihood ratio (2xk table)

Sample size calculation

Single mean

Single ratio

Comparison of the two methods

Paired sample t test

Comparison of two ratios

McNemar test

Correlation coefficient

Survival analysis (log rankal test)

Bland Altman map

Area under the ROC curve

Comparison of two ROC curves

Confidence interval estimate sample size

Single mean

Single ratio

Mean difference

Paired sample mean difference

Differences in different proportions

Pairing ratio difference

Repeated measurement of coefficient of variation

Other graphics

Data comparison chart

Multiple comparison chart

Group multiple comparison chart

Multivariate graph

Group multivariate graph

Multi-line diagram

Control Charts

Youden map

Polar map

Forest map

Function graph

ROC curve analysis

MedCalc is a reference software for curve analysis, and the curve analysis model includes:

The area under the curve of the standard error (AUC), 95% confidence interval, P value, provides DeLong et al. (1988) and Hanley & McNeil (1982, 1983) method selection;

Sensitivity, specificity, likelihood ratio, 95% positive and negative predictive value list for all possible thresholds;

ROC curve with 95% confidence limit;

The threshold can be selected to correspond to the sensitivity and specificity of the interactive point map and automatic calculation;

The sensitivity, specificity or cost of the graphic vs. standard value;

a plot of predicted values ​​versus prevalence;

Interval likelihood ratio

Up to 6 ROC curves can be compared: area difference under ROC curve, standard error, 95% confidence interval and P value;

The sample size calculation of the area under the ROC curve is compared with the ROC curve;


Various graphics

Data point identification in the figure

Draw text boxes, lines, arrows, and connectors

Name, save, and remember graphics and statistics

Statistics in the graph window

Save graphics in BMP, PNG, GIF, PCX, JPG or TIF format or in PowerPoint slides (*.pptx) format

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