Anti-counterfeiting is a very technical industry. Its market is closely related to technology. The entire market has many subdivided fields. Different commodities and different use environments require different anti-counterfeiting technologies. No anti-counterfeiting technology is applicable to all anti-counterfeiting areas. This article will briefly introduce ink-based anti-counterfeiting technologies.

Anti-counterfeiting inks, ie inks with anti-counterfeiting properties, are an extremely important anti-counterfeiting technology field. They have a wide range of applications and involve many disciplines. Anti-counterfeiting ink is a special ink with anti-counterfeiting function that is produced by adding some special substances to common inks, and is used to print products requiring anti-counterfeiting. Its recipes and processes are confidential and should be strictly managed; anti-counterfeiting products should also be fixed, regularly supplied to designated manufacturers, set up special machines to use, and prevent proliferation. Anti-counterfeiting ink is the most widely used anti-counterfeiting material at present, and can be divided into the following types according to its different characteristics.

1. UV light source to stimulate visible fluorescent anti-counterfeiting ink
The ultraviolet light source excites the visible fluorescent anti-counterfeit ink including the long-wave ultraviolet light source to stimulate the visible fluorescent anti-counterfeit ink, the short-wave ultraviolet light source to stimulate the visible fluorescent anti-counterfeit ink, and the long and short-wave dual ultraviolet light sources to stimulate the visible fluorescent anti-counterfeiting ink. Because the ultraviolet light source excites the visible fluorescent anti-counterfeiting ink with low technical content, it is difficult to imitate the likeness of the seven or eight points, so its anti-counterfeit ability is poor. The use of ultraviolet light sources alone to excite visible fluorescent anti-counterfeiting inks has greatly reduced.

2. Photochromic security ink

The photochromic security ink is manufactured using a special process. When the viewer changes the viewing angle, the color changes. Now that several companies in the country have mastered this technology, their anti-counterfeiting capabilities have been greatly reduced. With the further proliferation of the technology, it is also possible that step-by-step UV light sources will excite visible fluorescent anti-counterfeiting ink and gradually exit the field of anti-counterfeit printing.

3. Infrared light source excitation visible fluorescent anti-counterfeiting ink

Infrared light source excitation visible fluorescent anti-counterfeiting ink is a relatively new anti-counterfeit ink, which uses a special synthetic chemical markers, so that it generates visible fluorescence under the excitation of infrared light source. Due to different materials of synthetic chemical markers, they can emit different colors of fluorescence under the excitation of different infrared light sources. In addition to directly visualizing the color and brightness of fluorescent light to identify the authenticity of the product, a special identification instrument can be used to automatically identify the authenticity of the product by analyzing its spectral characteristics. This technology has high anti-counterfeiting capabilities and is suitable for use in security printing.

4. Chemical color security ink

The chemical color change security ink is a special chemical coloring marker added in the ink, and the use of the matching coloring agent can make the product printed with the security ink produce a specific color change reaction, so as to facilitate the user to identify the authenticity of the product.

The chemical color change security ink also contains an “unlocking anti-counterfeiting technology”, which is made by chemically encrypting color. Only by using another supporting chemical coloring agent, can the ultraviolet light source be used to excite the corresponding fluorescent reaction and display Color, to identify authenticity, just like unlocking it with a key. Because this technology can make the ink into a colorless ink or hide in other colors, it has a strong anti-counterfeiting capability.

5. Magnetic security ink

Magnetic anti-counterfeiting inks are only made of ferromagnetic materials, and the authenticity of the ink is to check whether there is magnetic or not. Since the magnetic material is easily available and the technical difficulty of preparing the magnetic anti-counterfeiting ink is not so great, its anti-counterfeiting ability is low. Later, magnetic anti-counterfeit inks made of weak magnetic materials were developed, and they were printed with different magnetic codes, which can be identified by using a special identification device, making their anti-counterfeiting capabilities improved.

6. Temperature change security ink

Temperature change security inks are formulated with heat-sensitive materials. According to the temperature required for discoloration, it can be divided into low-temperature discoloration (above 30°C) and high-temperature discoloration (above 90°C). Because this anti-counterfeiting technology is generally difficult and easier to imitate, its anti-counterfeiting performance is poor.

7. Light change ink (OVI)

Photo-variable ink is a leader in modern anti-counterfeiting inks. It belongs to reflective ink and has pearlescent and metallic effects. Color copying machines and electronic scanners cannot be copied. Products printed with light-variable ink, ink color patches can be presented in pairs, such as magenta blue, green blue, green and green. As long as the ink blot is tilted by 60°, the pattern can be observed to shift from one color to another. Since only the ink film on the print is thicker, significant color drift may occur, and thus the ink layer is required to have a sufficient thickness. Photo-variable ink is a technical product with simple principle and complicated manufacturing process. It utilizes the interference film whose coating color can change with viewing angle, and selectively absorbs and reflects natural light (multi-color light) to achieve anti-counterfeiting purposes.

8. Integrated security ink

According to the needs of anti-counterfeiting of different users, combining the above two or more anti-counterfeiting ink technologies to make anti-counterfeit inks with comprehensive anti-counterfeit capabilities can increase the anti-counterfeiting capabilities of inks, which is a trend for the development of new high-performance anti-counterfeiting inks in the future.

9. Anti-counterfeiting ink and ink pad

Stamped ink or ink pad is also an ink, and its anti-counterfeit method can be modeled on the above items. Research is currently being conducted on the use of invisible fluorescent compounds such as ultraviolet rays, infrared rays, and X-rays, photoelectric conversion materials, special chemical substances, animal or plant DNA, monoclonal antibodies, and specific antigens to make new types of security ink or ink pad. It is more difficult to copy. Seals stamped with this kind of ink have the same appearance as ordinary seals, but they show special effects when detected by the corresponding method. Such as the use of ultraviolet light to spur seals stamped with anti-counterfeiting ink, it can show bright fluorescence under ultraviolet irradiation.

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