Tell you to pay attention to those fruits that are not easy to eat in this spring season.

Don't eat five kinds of fruits in spring

1. Pineapple

Problem: Some people may experience nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, tingling lips, and itchy skin after eating pineapple.

Reason: This is because pineapple contains biological glycosides and bromelain. In order to prevent allergic reactions, the pineapple must be soaked in light saline for more than ten minutes after being cut, and the bromelain should be destroyed before eating.

Nutritionist: Pineapple is a tropical fruit, rich in dietary fiber and bromelain, which is very good for preventing constipation and indigestion. It is a good choice for summer fruits. As the weather gradually gets warmer, we will see more and more merchants selling pineapples. Many merchants use glass fiber reinforced plastic to fill the pineapple with salt water, and each piece of pineapple will have chopsticks on it. How long has the brine been changed? Are the chopsticks new? This will not only result in unqualified hygiene, but also cause secondary pollution.

2. Banana

Question: In order to make the banana skin bright and beautiful, some illegal vendors use excessive sulfur dioxide to ripen it, but the flesh is still hard and not sweet at all. Sulfur dioxide is harmful to the human body.

Tips: The correct method should be heating and cooked.

Dietitian: Banana is a kind of nutritious tropical fruit. It is sweet and cold, and has the effect of moistening intestines and clearing heat. Each summer is its mature season.

3. Grapes

Question: Some unscrupulous traders and fruit farmers dilute the ripening agent ethylene and water in proportion, soak the unripe green grapes in the diluent, and the green grapes will become purple grapes in a day or two.

Dietitian: August and September each year is the season of grape ripening. The grape flavor is sweet and slightly acidic, and the nature is calm. It has the effects of nourishing qi and blood, strengthening muscles and bones, and urinating. It has a high sugar content, so people with diabetes must remember it.

4. Strawberry

Benefits: Chinese medicine believes that strawberries have the effect of removing heat, relieving heat, and clearing heat. In the spring, people's liver fire is often strong, and eating some strawberries can play a role in inhibiting. In addition, strawberries are best eaten after meals, because they contain a lot of pectin and cellulose, which can promote gastrointestinal motility, help digestion, improve constipation, and prevent the occurrence of hemorrhoids and bowel cancer.

Problem: There are hollow, irregularly shaped and oversized strawberries in the middle. Except for very few high-yielding new varieties, they are generally caused by the use of excessive hormones. After using ripeners or other hormone drugs, the growth cycle of strawberries is shorter and the color is brighter, but the inherent fragrance of strawberries is diluted, and the taste is lacking.

Dietitian: Strawberry is a very attractive fruit. It has a high vitamin C content, and eating fresh strawberries is a good choice. The natural ripening period of strawberries is late May each year.

5. Sugarcane

Problem: Most sugar cane in spring is stocked in autumn. After storing for one winter, it is very easy to spoil, and white or fluffy material appears at the end of sugar cane. After cutting, there will be red filaments on the section.

Hazard: Some people didn't choose carefully when buying sugarcane. After cutting, they saw red silk and thought it was normal. As a result, sugarcane was poisoned after eating.

Dietitian: Sugar cane is a good "Xie Huo" food, sweet and cold, with the effects of clearing away heat and replenishing qi, moisturizing dryness, and lowering stomach. The ripening season of sugar cane is in November, and due to improper storage, the sugar cane will be moldy, and the immature sugar cane will also be moldy after being cut off.

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