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If your trip is very fast and you cross the finish line, you may need to sit on the return train or plane. Even a sit-down will take up to several hours, which may affect your physical recovery. "Running World" consultant, William O. Roberts, assistant director of medical services for the Twin Cities Marathon, said: "Sports are very important for maintaining blood flow." The following 8 recovery actions can promote blood circulation and help you relax muscles.
Leg lift exercises
Slowly lift your right knee and slowly lower it. Activate the glutes and quadriceps and repeat 5 times. Repeat for another leg.
Half time
In the aisle of a plane or waiting room, you can kneel down. If necessary, it can also be done by the wall. Keep in mind that the speed is slow and repeat 5-10 times.
Leg lift exercises
Slowly lift one leg and lift the other leg, then slowly lower and activate the gluteus and quadriceps and repeat five times.
Ankle joint loop
At the seat of the aircraft or the seat of the train, lift the right ankle joint for clockwise orbit. Repeat for left-handedness. Turn 20 times.
Stand in a standing position with both hands in front of the seat. Slowly lower your heels after lifting them up (or in the aisle, as shown above: hands on the waist, lift the heel and slowly lower it) and repeat 10-12 times.
Press against the wall
Before you take the plane or get on the bus, sit with your hips against the wall, rotate your body 90 degrees, and let your body and legs become "L" shape to press your legs. Stay 10 minutes against the wall.
Self massage quadriceps (front thighs)
Place the left forearm on the left quadriceps. The forearm is forced (slightly hard) to roll up and down (like a vibrator
kind). Repeat 5-10 minutes, then change legs.
Self-relaxing calf
Hold the right ankle on the left and place the calf on the left knee so that the calf slowly rolls on the knee. The direction from the leg to the knee is repeated for 5-10 minutes. The leg changes are repeated.
Three Tips to Promote Recovery After Running
William O. Roberts, Consultant of Runner World, said: "After long-distance running, long-term sedentary runners are at greater risk of deep vein thrombosis." Three tips to promote your recovery after the run.
Stand and walk
This is the best way: to circulate blood in the legs and prevent thrombosis.
2. Lower limb pressure
Wear compression socks to promote blood flow.
3. Do not drink
Drinking alcohol increases the risk of thrombosis.