Section 1 Printing Industry in Taiwan Overview of the Printing Industry> I. Overview of the Printing Industry in Taiwan Half a century after the Japanese imperialists ruled Taiwan, the printing industry had hardly developed much. Even if there were several printing factories, most of them were controlled by the Japanese. At the beginning of the recovery, Taiwan only had 20 printing houses and increased to 43 in 1948. In the late 1940s, the printing factory reached 180, Taiwan's "Yearbook of Printing" in 1984, and Wei Shangjing "Overview of the Printing Industry in Taiwan". Many of these are retreating from the mainland to Taiwan. The original printing factory is simple and relatively small in scale. It can only print some lines, words, or chromatic prints, while color prints rely on foreign imports. After 1955, the United States and the United States under the small amount of payment items into the printing industry, the printing plant competing for equipment updates. Newly established printing companies have also emerged like springing up. After the 1960s, the printing industry in Taiwan entered a period of rapid development. In the 1970s, 2147 printing houses were newly added, and in the 1980s an additional 2468 were added. According to statistics from the Comptroller's Office, there were more than 4,700 printing factories in Taiwan in 1986, and the number of employees was 38,984, an average of 8.2 people in one factory. The development of the printing industry always goes hand in hand with the economic and cultural development of the society. Only a handful of Taiwanese printing companies are public, and the vast majority are private enterprises. According to statistics from the Comptroller's Office in 1991, the number of printing companies has reached more than 7,800, and employs 58,044 employees. Among them, there are 7,720 companies with 49 or less, accounting for 98.94%. It can be seen that the printing companies in Taiwan are mainly small factories with a few people, a dozen or even a dozen people. The average number of factories is less than 10, and there are only 34 printing factories with more than 100 employees. Picture 26-1 Due to the small scale of the company, most of them are specialized in production and rely on the division of labor to complete the entire production process. There are not many large-scale printers that have been consistent in the process of color separation, plate making, printing, and binding. There are only a few manufacturers such as Rongmin, China Color, Yutai China, Qiuyu Printing, Kao Enterprise, and Hanlin Publishing Co., Ltd. There are as many as a few hundred employees. Shen Shi Art, Red and Blue Color Art Company, etc. Postpress processing is supported by Xie Li. As far as the characteristics of the printing industry itself are concerned, there are both the nature of manufacturing and the characteristics of processing services. Therefore, printing companies have both industrial and commercial forms. Taiwan "Printing Yearbook" In 1984, Wei Shangjing "Overview of Taiwan's printing industry operations." Those registered in the name of the factory are members of the Printing Industry Association of Taiwan, and those registered in the name of the company are members of the Printing and Trade Association of the county or city. There are also members of the two associations who have registered dual status, and those who have not joined both organizations. Apart from the fact that some enterprises joined the two sessions at the same time, and the public and a small number of printing companies did not participate in the Association, the membership of the associations in 1991 was as follows: 438 members of the Taiwan Printing Industry Association and 529 members of the Taipei Printing and Trade Association. (All trade associations below 243 in Kaohsiung City, 243 in Ilan County, 54 in Yilan County, 31 in Keelung City, 20 in Taoyuan County, 98 in Hsinchu City, 244 in Taichung City, 199 in Taichung County, 83 in Nantou County, and 192 in Changhua County, Yunlin There are 81 counties, 81 in Chiayi City, 107 in Tainan County, 389 in Tainan City, 104 in Kaohsiung County, 86 in Pingtung County, 38 in Hualien County, 24 in Taitung County, and 5 in Penghu County. In addition, there are 115 Taichung City Special Printing Associations, and 84 Federations of Taiwan Printing Associations, a total of 23 groups and 3446 manufacturers. In addition, there are 4354 manufacturers who have not joined the above groups. Those who have not joined the print groups are mostly public factories or very small private factories. According to Taiwan's "Yearbook of Printing," 1988 publication, the Taiwan Printing Industry Association conducted a survey of 325 member factories in Taipei, Taichung, and Tainan in 1987, and according to Taiwan's "Yearbook of Printing" in 1994, the Taiwan Printing Industry Association in 1992. A survey was conducted on 429 member factories in the above areas. In 1998, the survey was conducted again. 396 informants were provided. The results of the three surveys are shown in Table 26-1. Table 26-1 Professional Statistics of Printing Houses Although the number of factories surveyed accounts for only about one-twentieth of the total number of printing plants in Taiwan, the geographical distribution and professionalism of these factories in Taipei, Taichung, and Tainan still reflect the basic situation of Taiwanese printing companies. of. The three investigations took 10 years. In the past 10 years, the traditional printing industry has not changed much. The share of color separation and plate-making factories has also declined. However, the printing industry's new army and computer report printing have risen suddenly, accounting for 10% of the total, which also reflects the 90 percent. The new trend of printing industry development. The distribution of total assets of printing companies in Taiwan is also quite characteristic. According to the results of three surveys conducted by the Printing Industry Association of Taiwan in 1988, 1989, and 1990, the total assets of Taiwanese printing companies are below 10 million yuan (NT), and 10 million yuan. The three levels of 35 million yuan and 35 million yuan were in a three-fold position, as shown in Table 26-2. Table 26-2 Distribution of total assets of printing companies in Taiwan 1. All texts, pictures, audio and video presentations of “Source: China Packaging Network†are marked on this website, and the copyright is exclusively owned by “China Packaging Networkâ€. If you need to reprint, please indicate the source. Any media, website, or individual must indicate "source: China Packaging Network" when reprinting. Violators of this site will be held accountable according to law. 2. 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