Girls will always bring their bags when they go out. Different occasions also require different bags. What kind of bags do street photographers like?

Speaking of personality, this transparent plastic bag is definitely at the front. Bags that can be seen through at a glance, girls who are confident in themselves can try it boldly.

Rivets have been hot since they entered the fashion circle. From clothes to shoes to bags, you can always see a variety of rivet elements. Girls who love punk rock style are probably the most resistant to the temptation of rivets! Leather clothes, mini shorts, high-heeled leather boots, and rivet handbags, street rockers will not be ignored.

Backpack to shoulder bag, this is the favorite dress of the student party, a bright yellow shoulder bag, I believe that playful girls walking in school, the rate of turning back must be 100%.

Travel light, go to some small towns, deep alleys, see the local style, do not go crazy shopping, do not use too much luggage, do not be a backpacker, dress casually and comfortably, just to relax. Carrying such a medium-sized bag is enough.

Golden python pattern handbags, only girls with confident and elegant temperament can really hold it. You can catch people's attention when you travel on a regular basis or participate in some small patty.

Wen Jing Tiandan is a must for girls. Pure and simple red leather, decent version, suitable size, thin leather strap with the same leather as the body, adjustable length design, office OL can also be simple and stylish.

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