GT-group technology reveals and utilizes the similarities between things and classifies them into groups according to certain criteria. The same group of things can be processed in the same way so as to improve the efficiency of the technology, which is called group technology. In the machinery manufacturing engineering, group technology is the basis of computer-aided manufacturing. The group philosophy is applied to the entire production system such as design, manufacture, and management, and multi-variety and small-batch production methods are changed to obtain maximum economic benefits.
The core of the group technology is the group process. It consists of a part family (group) consisting of parts, materials, and processes that are similar to each other. The process is processed according to the part family to expand the batch, reduce the variety, and make it easy to use. Methods to increase labor productivity. The similarity of parts is broad, and the similarities in geometry, dimensions, functional elements, precision, materials, etc. are basically similar. Based on basic similarities, they are used in production, management, and management of manufacturing and assembly. Derived similarity is called secondary similarity or derived similarity.
The steps to implement the group process are:
1 Parts classification into groups;
2 to formulate a group of parts processing technology;
3 design of group technology equipment;
4 The methods for organizing the processing of production line parts into:
1 code grouping method: use parts classification coding system to encode parts, according to the part code, use certain similarity criteria for grouping. Each country or large enterprise has its own parts classification and coding system. Typical systems that are widely used include the Czech VUOSO system, the German OPITZ system, the Japanese KK-3 system, and the Chinese JLBM-1 system; the grouping methods are: Feature bit method, code domain method and feature bit code domain method;
2 Production flow analysis method (PFA-production flow analysis): It is based on the processing technology of parts, and is classified by analysis. Specific methods include key machine tool method, sequential branch method, cluster analysis method, and bonding energy method. In addition, there are potential function methods, fuzzy pattern recognition methods, and so on.
The methods for formulating the group's machining process include:
1 Composite part method: In a part family, design a part that can contain all the geometric features of the part as a composite part, and the processing technology is the group process of the part;
2 Compound route method: According to the process route of all parts in a part family, formulate a process route that can include the processing of all parts as the group process of the part. In recent years, the combination of group technology and numerical control technology and computer technology has greatly improved the level of application, and has expanded the scope of application. It has significant application effects in product design, manufacturing process, production organization and management, such as new parts. The number of designs can be reduced by 52%, production preparation time can be reduced by 69%, labor productivity can be increased by 33%, production cycle can be closed by 70%, parts costs can be reduced by 43% in seconds, and has become the basis for flexible manufacturing systems and integrated manufacturing systems .

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