Facial spots are generally caused by poor blood circulation in the human body. Different massage techniques can be used, and non-fixed acupuncture points can be used to massage the skin on the plaque. The melanin accumulated between the epidermis and the dermis is loosened and spreads outward. Four methods of spotted blood circulation massage: 1, the face refers to the law: Straighten the thumb, hold the other four fingers, press the center of the spot with the tip of the thumb, the direction of the pressing should be vertical, the force from light to heavy, steady and continuous, so that the stimulation is fully penetrated between the epidermis and the dermis, avoiding sudden force and Shake after exerting force. The pressing point is extended from the center outward to reach the edge of the spot. 2, spotted finger licking method: Use the thumb belly to press the point in front, draw a circle to turn, gently soften and gently, 50-60 times per minute, the movement is coordinated and rhythm, the action part is between the epidermis and the leather, and half of each position is pressed before the point. The purpose of the minute is to let the pigment after pressing loose in a small range. 3, spotted finger smear method: Use the side of the thumb and the end of the index finger to make a linear shift from the inside to the outside. The pressure should be balanced, the smearing speed should be slow, the force should be light and not floating during operation, and the weight should not be stagnate. Melanin spreads around. 4, the face palm method: Use two palms to rub, generate heat, place the palm on the entire surface, do a loop and have a rhythmic movement, smooth, counterclockwise, frequency about 50-60 times per minute, the pigment that has been partially diffused Spread to a wider range, which facilitates rapid absorption. The classic cars we produce are well know for their high performance that especially come with the terrific appearance, our factory produce 2 to 12 seats classic cars, they are also be called as the luxury cars and high class cars, not beacuase of its luxury appearance but also for its good quality in inner parts,for the classic cars,the chasis we make is aluminum chasis, battery is 48v 170ah maintenance free battery,motor is 4kw or 5kw AC motor, all these high quality key parts make is very stable in qualtiy and a very durable usage Classic Car,Electric Classic Cars,2 Seaters Classic Car,4 Seaters Classic Car Yongkang Jinghang Sightseeing Vehicle Co., Ltd. , https://www.jhgolfcarts.com