The correct use of the crisper ensures that people can store the food as far as possible and prevent cross-contamination. The resin material for making the crisper can withstand the highest temperature of 120°C and the lowest temperature of -20°C. Therefore, the crisper can be stored in a refrigerator for food refrigerating, or it can be heated in a microwave oven or a dishwasher for cleaning. However, for the use of plastic crispers, it is also necessary to master the right way; avoiding use of less than optimal results, but also a waste of resources. Below, Xiao Bian summed up the four points of experience with the correct use of plastic crisper: 1. Take out the crisper from the freezer, do not open it immediately, and let it open for 1 to 2 minutes at room temperature. 2. When used in a microwave oven, if the amount of oil and sugar content in the food is relatively high, the temperature of the crisper will change if the temperature rises rapidly. Therefore, it is preferable to use a special box for a microwave oven to heat the above food. 3. Bubbles of carbonated beverages (soda, cola, etc.) will result in the loss of the sealing ability of the crisper. Foaming foods, fermented foods, hot foods, etc. will cause deterioration of the sealing performance of the crisper. Please try to avoid storing it in the crisper. This kind of food. 4. The food preservation time is different. Do not rely solely on the sealing ability of the crisper to eat as soon as possible. In addition, consumers must pay special attention to confirming which type of raw materials they belong to when they buy the crisper. The crisper made of non-food plastic as raw material must not be used, otherwise it will cause harm to the human body. These crispers made of inferior non-food plastics are potentially harmful to the human body from carcinogenic and teratogenic effects. When purchasing, please read the clear signs on the packaging of the crisper, such as the hygiene license number, material, and precautions. From the appearance point of view, the good quality crisper is exquisitely detailed and does not smell any pungent odor. ( Please check the details ) [Note] China Packaging Information Network is the official website of China Packaging News and China Packaging Industry Magazine. Contact: Gu Yingyi Mobile Phone The following is our WeChat public platform QR code, please pay attention Sleeping Face Mask,Honey Face Mask,Honey Mask,Turmeric Honey Mask Guangzhou Shiruoni Cosmetics Co., Ltd. ,
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