Patent name: Thermoplastic Transfer Machine Patent Application No. 1 Publication No. 2638985
Application date; 2003.07.29 publication date: 2004.09.08
Applicant: Lai Songli, a Taiwanese thermoplastic transfer machine, has trolleys on the rails, front and rear seats on the front and back of the bed, which can be directly manipulated by an array of personnel, and an array is set on the bed. The vacuum adsorbers of each vacuum adsorber can be removed or adjusted to meet the requirements of different size workpiece transfer work pieces and transfer film directly placed in the corresponding size of the bag body. The bag body is thin and good heat conduction PP film sewn and Into a small volume and can be directly connected to a vacuum adsorber Vacuum evacuation fast, short time, easy to heat and pressure, can effectively increase the efficiency of heat transfer machine.

Source: Printed Today

TV Stand

After a hard day at the office, or a hectic day with the kids, it's great to unwind with your favorite TV show. Your TV Stand or entertainment center is an important part of your overall viewing experience. The two most important considerations are the size and type of the stand. Fortunately, whatever style suits your tastes and requirements, you're sure to find something suitable in our selection of home furniture.

TVs are more fun these days. Gaming, rental movies, internet- But sometimes it seems your equipment is taking over your home. Our TV stands and TV cabinets are there to cut the clutter and get things organised. They give you space for everything and smart features like cable management for the cords and glass doors that don't block your remote control.

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